Google Ads API Updates: Audiences, Campaigns, Conversions, and Planning

Google Ads API has introduced several new features and updates to the platform, aimed at enhancing the functionality and usability of the platform. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at these updates, specifically related to audiences, campaigns, conversions, and planning.

Updates to User List Error Enum
The User Lis tError Enum has been updated to include new error messages related to audiences.
One of these new error messages is APP_ID_NOT_ALLOWED,
which is displayed when an advertiser tries to add a mobile app ID that is not allowed for use with an audience. Another new error message is CANNOT_MUTATE_SYSTEM_LIST, which is displayed when an advertiser tries to modify a system-generated list.
The MOBILE_APP_IS_SENSITIVE error message is displayed when a mobile app is flagged as sensitive.

Campaign-Level Bid Simulations for Performance Max
Google Ads API has added support for returning campaign-level bid simulations for Performance Max campaigns using campaign_simulation. This new feature allows advertisers to better understand how changes to their bids will impact performance.

Updates to Campaigns
The Listing Type field for Performance Max campaigns has been added, replacing the ShoppingSetting.use_vehicles_inventory field, which will now only be used for Smart Shopping campaigns. Additionally, allowlisted accounts now have access to Campaign.listing_type, which allows for the retrieval of the listing type of a campaign.

Updates to Conversions
Google Ads API has introduced the Customer Sk Ad Network Conversion Value Schema Service. Mutate Customer Sk Ad Network Conversion Value Schema feature, which enables advertisers to define SKAd Network conversion value schemas for iOS app campaigns. This new feature allows advertisers to track and measure conversions in iOS apps more accurately.

New Fields in Planning
Google Ads API has introduced new fields in the Generate Audience Composition Insights Request.baseline_audience and List Insights Eligible Dates Response.last_thirty_days objects of the Audience Insights Service. These new fields allow advertisers to specify the baseline audience to which the audience of interest is being compared and retrieve the current default date range used in Generate Audience Composition Insights requests.

Updates to Custom Conversion Goal Error Enum
The Custom Conversion Goal Error Enum has been updated to include a new error message, NON_BIDDABLE_CONVERSION_ACTION_NOT_ELIGIBLE_FOR_CUSTOM_GOAL. This error message is displayed when a non-biddable conversion action is not eligible for a custom conversion goal.

In conclusion, these updates to Google Ads API aim to improve the functionality and usability of the platform, providing advertisers with more options and flexibility. It is recommended that advertisers familiarize themselves with these updates to ensure successful campaign management.

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